
/Fun with a ball at your feet./

Play at Liga Portugal Lab

Do you want to evaluate your dribbling, running or shooting performance? Do you want to break records? Or just improve your skills? Let's play!

Challenge yourself and your team with the different Liga Portugal Lab packs, so you can evolve like the League professionals do.

Skill & Performance Circuit

Skill & Performance Circuit

Includes 1 hour in all Individual Challenges. Up to 8 players per booking.

Play alone or in a group

Skill & Performance Circuit + Field 5x5

Skill & Performance Circuit + Field 5x5

Includes the access to all challenges during 60 minutes and 30 minutes on the Football Field. For groups from 8 players.

Min. 8 players

Field Rental

Field Rental

Rental of the 5x5 Football Field with FAR (Footlab Assitant Replay) for 1 hour. Available on weekdays

5€ discount for bookings until 17:00



/AVAILABLE SOON/ - Sign up for a membership in Liga Portugal Lab and have access 4x p/month on peak hours, discounts on Tournaments and Events, and unlimited off-peak access.

-10% on Birthday Parties

Holiday Clinics

Holiday Clinics

/AVAILABLE SOON/ - A full week of daily activities, from 09:00 to 17:00.

Training and Performance

Be a better player with the unique and specialized training programs at Liga Portugal Lab.

An unique opportunity to train and improve your skills with cutting-edge technology.

1 PT session

1 PT session

/AVAILABLE SOON/ - A personalized training approach of the player with a certified football coach for 1 hour.

Discount prices for group trainings

6 PT sessions

6 PT sessions

/AVAILABLE SOON/ - A personalized training approach of the player with a certified football coach for 1 hour.

Discount prices for group trainings

12 PT sessions

12 PT sessions

/AVAILABLE SOON/ - A personalized training approach of the player with a certified football coach for 1 hour.

Discount prices for group trainings

Liga Portugal Camp

Liga Portugal Camp

/AVAILABLE SOON/ - Join Liga Portugal Camp to train in a one of a kind facilty where you can measure and track your progress and evolution as a player.

For players between 4 and 8 years old.

individual challenges

  • #Speed

    #Speed 0
    Measure and improve your velocity in this challenge. In a 20 meter track we will measure not only your speed,but also the different phases of your sprint.
  • #Technique

    #Speed 0
    Test your dribbling speed and ball control in #Technique. You will walk along a track with poles that light up whenever you successfully pass the obstacle.
  • #Kick Power

    #Speed 0
    Measure the speed of your shot at goal in km/h. At #KickPower you will be able to test and improve your technique and shooting power.
  • #Precision

    #Speed 0
    Test your accuracy with a target game of varying difficulty. Evaluate your passing accuracy, ball reception and pace as you play against time.
  • #Vertical Jump

    #Speed 0
    Assess your vertical impulsion so that you don't miss a ball in the air. Find out how high you can reach and whether you are among the best.
  • #Goalkeeper

    #Speed 0
    Train your goalkeeping skills in a space dedicated to defending shots. Improve your agility and reaction time to be a more complete and reliable goalkeeper.
#Speed 0

grupo challenges

  • #Street Soccer

    #Street Soccer 0
    Show your worth on an 8x6m field of exciting #StreetSoccer. You will need skill and creativity to overcome your opponent and score goals.
  • #Football Field

    #Street Soccer 0
    Play with and against your friends on a 20x40m field at a fast and fun pace! Bring your team and your best football! Collect the best plays with the F.A.R. technology. (Footlab Assisted Replay) directly to your email.
#Street Soccer 0
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